I’m delighted to have the award-winning Nell back on the blog. She was my first ever guest when she came on and talked about her lovely book Radio GaGa. Please welcome her and the three books most dear to her. First off, the one Nell is most inspired by:
Book One
This was such a hard choice as there have been so many that have inspired me. In my case I’m going to go for a bit of a cheat and say a whole series of books. These are the Chalet School books by Elinor M Brent-Dyer. She wrote 57 books in the series in an age before computers. The characters spanned generations with original characters children appearing later in the series. How on earth she did it and created such a wonderful complete world makes me take my hat off to her. A truly remarkable author and wonderful books.
I loved them too, Nell so I’ll allow your choice of a whole series!
Book Two
Which one would you most like to have written?
Wow, so many, this was difficult. Lots of classics I could mention like Pride and Prejudice along with more modern books like Can you Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella but I think I’m going to go with Jennifer Crusie’s Manhunting. This makes me laugh out loud every time I read it. If you want a fabulous, fast paced escapist giggle of a romance then I highly recommend it.
Another one for the TBR pile!
Book Three
And what’s your latest release, Nell?
Finally book three, my latest release is Looking for Juliet. This was formally called His Darling Nurse but has been updated and given a spiffy new cover which hopefully better reflects the contents.
‘More than her heart is in danger’
Dr. Neil Forrest’s introduction to Juliet, his new practice nurse got off to a fiery start in more ways than one. Juliet, and her small son, Charlie are hiding out from something or someone, but who and why?
Neil quickly realizes that he has to leave his own past behind if he is to be there when it counts for Juliet, and for Charlie.
And, if you’d like to find out more about Nell (and I recommend you do, her books are great) here are the linky things:
About Nell Dixon – Nell Dixon was born and continues to live in the Black Country in the UK. Married to the same man for over thirty years she has three daughters, a cactus called Spike, a crazy cockapoo and a tank of tropical fish. She is allergic to adhesives, apples, tinsel and housework. Her addictions of choice are coffee and reality TV. She was winner of The Romance Prize in 2007 with her book Marrying Max, winner of E Cataromance prize in 2008 with Things To Do, and winner of Love Story of the Year 2010 with her book, Animal Instincts
You can find her website http://www.nelldixon.com her blog http://nelldixonrw.blogspot.co.uk Her facebook https://www.facebook.com/nelldixonauthor/ and her twitter @NellDixon
Huge thanks to Nell for coming on!
Georgia x
Love your choices, Nell. Really interesting reading about why you liked them and good luck with Looking for Juliet.
Thanks Lynn x