Following on from yesterday’s post about where I write, I’m delighted to say I have persuaded some other writers to share their secrets too.
Look out for the first guest blog next month.
In the meantime, I’d like to share Rudyard Kipling’s study. I went to his house, Bateman’s, a few years ago. It’s now a National Trust property and they’ve preserved his writing room as it was when he used it. It was as if he’d just popped out. It’s a fascinating and cosy family home. It was only when I watched the televised version of David Haig’s play, My Boy Jack, that I realized the house was home to tragedy too. You probably know that Kipling pulled strings to get his very short-sighted son accepted by a regiment, only for him to die during World War One at the Battle of Loos.
Look out for news of my dual narrative novel, partly set in World War One, coming soon.
Georgia x