Thank you!!!
A HUGE thank you to all of you who have bought, read and reviewed The Little Book Café: Tash’s Story. It’s been at the top of the Amazon Baking Chart off and on since published. I love my readers! I’ve just sent Amy’s Story, which is The Little Book Café part three, off to my […]
Spotting Millie!
Great excitement – “shelfies” are coming in thick and fast 😂 Millie Vanilla has been spotted adorning the shelves of Sainsbury’s across the land! Sightings have come from as far apart as Scotland, Somerset and Surrey. I really hope Millie isn’t only selling in places beginning with S. Thank you to all of you who […]
I’m back!
Hi everyone, Sorry for the radio silence, I’ve had no broadband for a while. Oh, how I’ve missed it! To make matters worse, just before the “black out” I’d several guest blogs lined up. My apologies to those writers I asked to come on but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Highly […]
Millie Vanilla is a best seller!
Hi everyone. Have a drink on me! Just a quick thank you for all the shares and retweets, the reviews and for buying Millie Vanilla #1 so that it keeps its Best Seller sticker. Millie #2 has just gone in for edits and will be with you in the summer. Now back to the writing […]