Reading – and other dirty habits
I read a book! So what? I hear you cry. I know. In previous blogs I’ve admitted to being an avid reader. Somehow, somewhere along the way I lost the ability to get engrossed in a book. It’s a bit of a problem. To be a good writer, wise folk say, you must read widely […]
My Bridport Prize – it’s not what you think!
Remember I said a while back I’d post occasional pieces about my elephant collection? Well, the dreadful fire which, last week, decimated the cinema in Lyme Regis got me thinking about this little chap. I bought him in Bridport, a market town not far from Lyme and which has just been listed as one of […]
Torn Between Two Counties
On my Twitter bio it states: ‘Body in Herefordshire. Heart in Lyme Regis. Head all over the place.’ I’m a creature torn. On the one hand I feel passionately drawn to Lyme Regis and always have done. My family took me on holiday there every year from when I was very small. I cried when […]