A Spring in my Step
Hi everyone, Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We’re now nearly halfway through January and I know lots get miserable at this time of year. It’s ages until pay day, the weather’s grim and the days short. When I was teaching this was the term I struggled with the most. Getting up at sparrow’s […]
How I plan, write and edit … sort of!
How I plan came up during the recent Snow Prose session with the lovely Suzanne Snow. I mentioned that I’d maybe blog on how I plan, and my writing and editing process. I’m not saying it’s the definitive method but it works for me and it might for you. Here goes: 1) The seed of an idea begins with characters, their names, […]
What’s in a Name: Part 2
Back in May I blogged about the difficulties faced when naming characters and the things writers often have to consider. This time I’m looking at naming places. Writers are concerned with creating worlds. The more authentic and convincing that world, the more involving the read. Often writers choose to create completely fictitious settings. I do it all the time. There are distinct advantages […]
What’s in a Name: Part 1
Please be advised there may be some who find the following insulting. Sorry! Any writer will have a problem with names. Let’s think about the mental gymnastics involved in naming characters first of all. I’ll visit naming places in a later blog. For me, when creating a character, often the name comes first. Rachel Makepeace in While I […]
Minor characters and their major role: Victoria Cornwall
I’m delighted to have Choc-Lit author Victoria Cornwall here, as part of her blog tour. She’s sharing how she sees the role of the minor characters in her books. Newbie writers prick up your ears, there’s some great stuff here! Over to you Victoria: The Minor Character and their major role I am delighted to […]