Donkey Tale Update
Sorry to have neglected you all lately. I’ve been getting some words down. Some good news coming soon! However, ridiculously upset to get an update from The Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary about Ruby, the donkey I adopted. Lovely Ruby had a short illness and has died. I’ve been sponsoring her for some time and, back in […]

Morton S Gray – the writer as magpie – what writers collect!
Delighted to have Morton back on. Over to you, Morton … When you write novels you are collecting together lots of different strands and trying to make them into a book that flows and hangs together. It is often said that a book that is easy to read has often been difficult to write. Totally agree on […]

Luisa A Jones’s Writing Cave, Corner and Campervan!
Please welcome back the delightful Luisa A Jones and her writing caves, news of her new release with Storm (it has the most gorgeous cover) and one or two writing tips. Over to you, Luisa … Hi Georgia, and thanks so much for inviting me to contribute to your fabulous blog. This time I thought I’d give your readers a […]

Have Dongle, Will Travel. Lizzie Lamb’s Writing Caves!
Please welcome in the new year with Lizzie Lamb and her writing caves. You can always tell an ex-teacher – they’re always so organised! Over to you, Lizzie: Back in the day my husband bought a ‘secret caravan’ off eBay for £300 because he was not sure I would take to the life. Talk about ‘ducks to water.’ We are […]

How I plan, write and edit … sort of!
How I plan came up during the recent Snow Prose session with the lovely Suzanne Snow. I mentioned that I’d maybe blog on how I plan, and my writing and editing process. I’m not saying it’s the definitive method but it works for me and it might for you. Here goes: 1) The seed of an idea begins with characters, their names, […]

Take Three Books: Jane Cable
Please welcome another of my favourite writers onto the blog! Jane Cable writes my kind of books – part historical, a bit spooky sometimes and one hundred percent wonderful! Here she is with her Take Three Books. Over to you, Jane! The book I would most like to have written… I was going to choose […]

Jan Baynham: Take Three Books
The Take Three Books feature is proving popular amongst guests and it’s always good to hear their choices. This time it’s Jan Baynham’s turn and it’s a delight to have her on the blog. Over to you, Jan, what book would you like to have written? There are so many wonderful books out there that it […]

Sue Moorcroft: Take Three Books
Absolutely delighted to have Sunday Times best selling author, Sue Moorcroft, on the blog. Sue is the newly elected president of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and is unstintingly generous and supportive of other writers. Over to you, Sue, and your three books of choice. Which book would you most like to have written? The Woman […]

The Power of Pop Music
I’ve really enjoyed having my blog guests on this year. They’ve all been fabulous and have produced some wonderful stuff to share, with lots of luvverly pictures. Occasionally, it means I seem to spend all my time on social media but it’s good to support other writers. While preparing a Take Three Books feature, a song played […]

Out now!
I’ve been deep in structural edits so missed flagging this up – New Beginnings at Christmas Tree Cottage is OUT NOW! I’m thrilled that it’s racing up the charts and readers love it. I’m even more excited that one of my writing heroes, Katie Fforde, has given me this quote to use. Thank you so […]