Hi everyone,
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
We’re now nearly halfway through January and I know lots get miserable at this time of year. It’s ages until pay day, the weather’s grim and the days short. When I was teaching this was the term I struggled with the most. Getting up at sparrow’s fart to scrape ice off the car, returning in the dark, chilly playground duties – all with the glitter and excitement of Christmas a long way behind. It felt uphill all the way until February half term. If you’re a teacher, I’m sending out my sympathy – and thanks.
I’ve written before about ways of getting through. Suggestions include using those nice smellies you had as gifts to indulge in long baths and pamper sessions, forget any attempt to diet until the weather’s warmer, drink hot chocolate with marshmallows and read a good book. I’m lucky in that I have a fat hairy spaniel who likes to cuddle up. Ralph radiates heat!
These days, for me, January can be a really productive writing time. It’s a useful month to hunker down and get some words written. There’s not much on and, besides, it’s too cold to do much else.
After 2024, a writing year when one obstacle after another hit me, I’ve begun 2025 writing like a demon. I currently have two projects on the go: a Shiny New Idea which is a dual narrative in its very early stages and the first draft of what will hopefully become the next Lullbury Bay book. Not sure how this has come about but a few things spring to mind.
I’ve begun a journal. I often begin a writing session with it. I record how I’m feeling, what issues I’m having, tips to move forward. Hopefully, as it builds up, I’ll begin to see patterns in my writing behaviour. I already know I begin well, with lots of enthusiasm and that this stalls at 30,000 words. Yes, it’s always then! I’m still analysing why. Any suggestions welcome.
I’m also taking part in a 1000 words a day challenge with a really supportive writing group. This has been revolutionary. Promising to write 1000 seems doable for me. I’ll often write 1200-1500 which means I feel great for having exceeded that day’s target and have words in the bank for a day when I don’t have the time or inclination. I’ve also discovered my natural writing time of the day is late afternoon. I have to ‘clear the decks’ of chores and other stuff before I get down to it.
Having said that, the Shiny New Idea is being written first thing in the morning! Make of that what you will. I’m also writing it longhand in a notebook. So far I haven’t muddled up the two stories. Maybe the different methods help?
The days are lengthening, the first snowdrop has made its appearance in the garden, the birds are singing and, as I write this, the sun is shining in Devon. Lots of reasons for optimism.
I really hope you’re feeling as bright and cheerful as me. If not, I’m sending you the biggest hug. It’ll soon be spring.
Wishing you all a fabulous 2025.
Georgia x
I loved reading about your journal practice. Journaling is something I’m focusing on more this year, too, in an effort to live a more analog life. P.S. Adorable pup!
What a sensible mindset to share. I’m fed up with ‘new year, new me’ posts. There’s not much wrong a good book, a hot chocolate and a cuddly pet won’t fix in the dark evenings of January. Look forward to hearing more about the books. You tease us!
I know it’s a tough time of the year for many but never feel it’s the right month for resolutions or diets. Don’t know about you but I’ve still got loads of Christmas food! PS writing the New Shiny has been a great way of getting it out of my system and not letting it get in the way of the WIP. Handwriting’s shocking though!
I’m finding it useful. A good prep for writing and hopefully a way of becoming a more analytical writer (I’m a bit of an instinctive pantser which is fine – until you hit a problem and then you don’t know how to deal with it) Happy New Year!