6 Responses

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  1. Monique DeVere
    Monique DeVere April 16, 2010 at 7:59 pm |

    Oh, Georgia,

    How sad! But what beautiful surroundings.

    I just popped by to say “hi”.


  2. charles cawley
    charles cawley May 14, 2010 at 12:53 pm |

    The tragedy goes further. Harold Cawley MP blew the whistle on Churchill by writing uncensored letters to his father, who was in Lloyd George’s cabinet.

    As a consequence, he left the general staff and went straight to the front line. The inevitable happened. It is more than possible that he knew exactly what he was doing and this was an act of virtual suicide. Although not proven, it is highly likely that this brought the withdrawal from mass slaughter forwards by a few days or even weeks.

    I have a copy of his letter.

    His father, very much a Samuel Smiles character, bought a copy of The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari. He played this famous anti war film in memoram on a 9.5mm baby projector.

    All that money and ‘success’ left him with such profound grief.

    In his age he used to walk down the long drive to the south lodge to check the gates were locked. I suspect he wished to be alone to think.

  3. Brigitta
    Brigitta February 20, 2011 at 11:30 am |

    I work at Berrington Hall and on behalf of everyone who works there would like to thank you for such a lovely review of the mansion. The boy’s deaths are so tragic and the mother never really got over it…. I don’t think any mother would.
    This did help me because I was trying to remember their names and I’d left my book somewhere (I can’t find it ) and this helped. Thank you 🙂
    Brigitta xxx

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