It’s great when you meet someone new and just click, isn’t it? Sarah Pearse and I met at a writers’ meeting in Exeter and got on immediately. She’s sharing her writing space with us today. To say I’m jealous of that view is an understatement. There’s something so wonderful about a sea view. Not sure how much writing I’d get done if I had one as beautiful as Sarah’s though! Over to you, Sarah, where do you write?
I’m slightly mercurial when it comes to where I write because for me, a writing space isn’t necessarily a physical location; it’s more of a space inside my head, a ring-fenced box (fiercely guarded!) where for a moment, it can be all about writing.
In order to write I need to make sure I’ve mentally switched off from my usual frantic mode of looking after children / house / kittens / husband. Luckily, in a pretty noisy house (dishwasher rumbling, children shouting, kittens pawing at the doors), I don’t need total silence, just a guarantee I won’t be interrupted for a certain period of time.
As long as I have a pen and paper or my laptop, I can ‘be’ anywhere, but I tend to write wherever other people aren’t – usually at the dining table where I have a lovely view of the garden. I don’t care what the weather is like; it’s nice to see the garden in all conditions. In fact, watching my plants and fledgling apple tree being battered by the wind is actually quite motivational – reminding me to keep struggling on when I’m flagging at the end of the day.
When I write I tend to have a few things surrounding me – a cold coffee drink to hand, my notebooks, any research books, and a printed copy of the last draft of whatever I’m writing to one side. (Occasionally a few half-built Lego creations too.)
My other usual spot is at the desk in our bedroom. It’s a lovely corner number surrounded by windows, and it’s lovely and light – in fact, too light sometimes so I struggle to see the screen of my laptop! There’s a certain kind of calm in this room, probably as it’s the only room that hasn’t been claimed by my daughters’ books and toys! I also love the fact that I have a gorgeous view of the sea in the distance. Spending time on the sea and by it is my passion, and it influences nearly all of my work. Having a view of the sea is undeniably inspirational, but sometimes too distracting… I love kayaking, and this view allows me to check out the sea conditions, but I often have to remind myself that there’s work is to be done!
Occasionally I’ll migrate to my husband’s study for a change of scenery – this time I don’t look out of the window, instead I stare at the rather lovely wall of books he’s created. A third I’ve read, a third I want to read, and the third are definitely more his taste than mine, but I never tire of it. There’s something about the spines of books I rather like…that little glimpse as to what’s inside.
For editing I like a comfy chair – usually the one in the corner of our dining room. Editing is always satisfying but often tiring, so I need a bit of comfort. Here I can curl up and people don’t always notice I’m there…
You can find out a bit more about what Sarah is up to here:
Thanks so much for coming on Sarah. Keep us up to date with your news and good luck with everything!