Hi everyone,
This is the first in an occasional series of Where I Write, where writers tell us all about their writing space.
I’m delighted to have fellow Harper Impulse author, Wendy Lou Jones as my guest today.
Here’s what she has to say about herself:
My name is Wendy Lou Jones. I was born and raised in West Sussex, England and moved to Birmingham to study Medicine at University, where I was lucky enough to meet my husband. We now live in a little village in Herefordshire with our two grubby boys. I discovered a love of writing not long after my youngest son started school. And if you were to ask me what it was that made me make the switch, I’d tell you quite simply, that it started with a dream.
I love that last sentence – that Wendy began writing something which came to her in a dream. This is where Wendy chooses to write. It has a fantastic view – and not just of farmers and fields:
My writing life started on the computer upstairs, with the lovely, back-friendly kneeling chair, but it was cold – there’s no heating up there in the daytime, and unsociable – my husband is downstairs in the evenings, when I do a lot of my writing, so I moved downstairs on to a lap tray on the settee. A couple of years later, my back had had enough and so I moved out to the kitchen table, and here I remain.
Here is my space. I have angled my laptop towards you, so you can see the Richard Armitage picture that welcomes me every time I switch on. Aaaaah!
Sadly, my eyes aren’t what they once were, so I also have a pair of reading glasses standing by, along with my current notebook, which houses the latest books’ notes, pictures, timelines and changes – my bible! Underneath that is my timeline I’ve just been working on for a series of books that I’m writing. I’m just starting book 3 and so I had to work out what had happened through 1 and 2 to get the ages right and to know who did what to whom at what time.
On the spare chair to my side you can see all my useful notebooks for older stories and my grammar book. There’s also my passwords list, some writing magazines, my laptop case for storing overnight and a little book about what plants are flowering when. I have hung my own chair cushion over the back of this chair, as using it put me at the wrong height for typing.
You might also spot the needs of a mother with boys – the packs of wipes for chocolate spread covered mouths in the morning and a large A4 jotter pad for helping with their homework, which they have taken to doing at the kitchen table with me, rather than in their bedrooms. Sweet.
My craft box, filled with lovely beads, a recent delight of mine is on the floor beside me, so that if I get stuck, or the words just aren’t flowing, I can just pick that up and make something pretty.
And last but not least is my view – not Richard Armitage, although that is quite nice – the view out of my window. All around me is countryside. The farmer ploughs right up to our fence, barring the drainage ditch just the other side, and all I can see is sky and green, for miles and miles.
It’s not a plush fancy writing room – maybe one day when I’ve sold more books, but first I’d better write them, so I’d best leave you now and buckle down to work and-
Ooo, look: Facebook!
I love the idea of Wendy sitting down and doing her ‘homework’, along with her boys. And I completely approve of the Richard Armitage screensaver!
If you want to find out more about Wendy, you can follow the links at the top of the post.
Many thanks Wendy, for coming on and sharing your writing space!
Georgia x
Lovely feature Georgia, and thanks for sharing Wendy, it sounds idyllic. I love all the details, and the idea of your boys hanging out with you. Funny how so many of us end up at the kitchen table too *waving from mine* 🙂