Dressed for Drama!
Tipped off by writing pal and ace writing tutor Alison May, I went along to see this at the weekend. Curated by Worcester Cathedral, it’s an exhibition of costumes made for recent film and TV period dramas. On display are 30 or so costumes from productions ranging from Wolf Hall to Mr Selfridge. They are arranged […]
In which I dwell on pilchards and Poldark
So, I settled down, with a tin of pilchards, to watch the last episode of this series of Poldark and considered why I like writing the heroes I do. I’m lying. I was staring at Aidan Turner’s rippling muscles and going ‘Phwooooaaar’. Seriously though, Ross reminds me of some of the heroes I write. […]
Fantasy cast
http://michellebethamwriter.blogspot.co.uk/ Find out who I had in mind when writing the characters of Say it with Sequins: The Rumba by going onto the lovely Michelle Betham’s blog today. And who else just loves the idea of Aidan Turner being cast as Ross Poldark? It’s a YES from me! I’m soon to be casting characters […]