Shrinking worlds and small pleasures
Hi everyone, Hope you’ve had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Happy 2022! It seems traditional to look back at highlights of the year just gone and I’ve sometimes summed up books I’ve read, things I’ve done. Except, I can’t honestly remember all that much! 2020 bled into 2021 and continued in much the same way. […]
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone. Hope 2020 brings you all you wish for – and more 🥰 However you celebrate, enjoy! Love, Georgia x
Happy New Year!
A very Happy New Year! Thank you for buying, reading, reviewing – and all the other support you’ve given me in 2017. I hope 2018 brings you health, wealth and a huge pile of wonderful books to read. Love, Georgia x
Happy New Year!
Another New Year. Another set of resolutions. Ah. Resolutions. You make them. Then break them. Then get miserable. Break them some more and then get on with the rest of the year. Most Januarys I promise myself I’ll stick to a list – usually containing the words ‘I will lose weight’ and don’t do very […]
Happy New Year!
Wherever you are and however you’re celebrating, I hope you have a wonderful time. May 2016 bring you health, wealth, happiness and a huge pile of books! Love, Georgia x