Another New Year. Another set of resolutions. Ah. Resolutions. You make them. Then break them. Then get miserable. Break them some more and then get on with the rest of the year. Most Januarys I promise myself I’ll stick to a list – usually containing the words ‘I will lose weight’ and don’t do very well.
January has always seemed the wrong month to start any kind of Spartan regime. Good luck to those of you who feel capable of beginning a health kick straight after the excesses of Christmas and New Year. For me, the grey days of January beg for comfort. For the Danish ‘hygge’ that was much talked of recently. A roaring fire, a cup of hot chocolate, a cuddly blanket, a good book.
My constant companion this Christmas was The Lurgy. While he got me quite hot and I spent an unfeasible amount of time in bed with him, I can’t really recommend the experience. While lying prone, with no energy for anything except TV and a scroll through Facebook, I caught The Victorian Bakers’ Christmas Special. It was an enjoyable look at how the Victorians celebrated Christmas.
Turns out, instead of refusing all cake and eschewing the sherry the minute January 1st began, they carried on making merry until the twelfth day. Sounds good to me. Wasn’t as keen about the mince pies containing real meat though. Here’s the link if you fancy catching the programme:
So, this new year, why not try easing yourself in to 2017 gently. The days are still short, the weather’s still grim and it’s a long time ‘til pay day. Cuddle up on the sofa, light a candle or two and indulge yourself. And, if you’re one of those strong-minded individuals who have begun a diet, it doesn’t even have to break it. Soothing music, an engrossing book or film contains zero calories!
Have a very Happy New Year and a wonderful start to 2017.
Georgia x