Crime at the Coast
The WIP is standing at 65,000 words and growing slowly. Too slowly. The word count isn’t being helped by all this Going OutOut. Sunday saw me attend Crime at the Coast at Torquay Museum. Crime isn’t a genre I read all that often but I have been known to indulge occasionally. A couple of friends […]

Love, Laughter and the Suitcase of Doom: Part 2
So, to the Suitcase of Doom. I’ve had a grin plastered on my face all week from memories of the conference. Lots of catching up with old friends done, lots of opportunities to make new ones and get to know those only previously known online. It was a fantastic weekend. I wish I could say […]

Love, Laughter and the Suitcase of Doom: Part 1
It was the Romantic Novelists’ Association conference and the room was full of love. It really was! It was that time of year again. Time for the annual conference. Except excitement was mounting even more feverishly because it was going to be the first time we were able to meet in person for three years. News of possible rail strikes and heatwaves […]

What a year!
There’s no denying this year has been a doozie. Usually, around this point in December, I do some kind of round up of the year. However, on a purely personal level, not an awful lot has happened! I’ve written, spent far too much time on social media, watched TV and read lots of books. Doesn’t […]