Following on from the blog about the Romantic Novelists’ Association Conference (think I’ve just about recovered) my thoughts have turned to friendship. I’ve made a lot of friends through the RNA. I belong to several ‘chapters’ where we meet for tea and cake and a good natter. Writing is necessarily a solitary pursuit so it’s […]

Love, Laughter and the Suitcase of Doom: Part 1
It was the Romantic Novelists’ Association conference and the room was full of love. It really was! It was that time of year again. Time for the annual conference. Except excitement was mounting even more feverishly because it was going to be the first time we were able to meet in person for three years. News of possible rail strikes and heatwaves […]

What a year!
There’s no denying this year has been a doozie. Usually, around this point in December, I do some kind of round up of the year. However, on a purely personal level, not an awful lot has happened! I’ve written, spent far too much time on social media, watched TV and read lots of books. Doesn’t […]

Fun, fans and champagne cocktails: RNA Conference 2019
With July comes cricket, the school holidays and, hopefully, some great weather. It also sees the annual migration of lots of very excited romance writers flocking to the Romantic Novelists’ Association Conference. Photo (c) Carol Bevitt. This year it was held at Lancaster University. A lovely spot but a bit of a distance from the […]

Lynn’s Room with a View
I’m thrilled to welcome good friend Lynn Forth onto the blog today to talk about her writing cave. Over to you, Lynn, tell all! My first books were written on the family shared computer, so I had to fit in around other people. This led to some fraught exchanges. Now, bliss, my own computer and my […]

A conference on the canal – RNAConf15
It’s that time again: Posh frock. Tick. Comfortable shoes. Tick. Business cards. Tick. Prosecco. Tick. Information pack. Tick. Books. Tick. Chocolate biscuits. Tick. Ooh. Hang on. Train this time. Jettison fizzy wine, books and chocolate biscuits. Too heavy to carry through London during a tube strike. Yes, this weekend was the Romantic Novelists’ Conference. I […]

Appearing now – in a writing magazine near you!
When I was starting out on the writing ‘journey’ (oops sorry for using the j word), I studied everything I could find to help. I began writing on an internet forum. It was a great place to start. I posted a chapter at a time but didn’t have a clue what was going to […]