Following on from the blog about the Romantic Novelists’ Association Conference (think I’ve just about recovered) my thoughts have turned to friendship. I’ve made a lot of friends through the RNA. I belong to several ‘chapters’ where we meet for tea and cake and a good natter. Writing is necessarily a solitary pursuit so it’s […]

Hot and Hectic at Royal Holloway
Hi everyone. I apologise, haven’t blogged for ages as, along with some Life Stuff, I’ve been trying to finish a book. It’s been a funny old year and not without its challenges but things cheered up with the Romantic Novelists’ Association Conference. I’m just back. Not entirely sure it’s revived my flagging writing mojo but […]

A Giddy Gadabout Part 1
Brace yourself campers. This is a long one! This month I signed up to do NaNoWriMo. I promised to write 50,000 words during November. That means roughly 2,000 words a day. As the current work in progress stands at about 50,000, I thought it might give me the incentive to get the first draft finished. https://nanowrimo.org/ I didn’t […]