Following on from the blog about the Romantic Novelists’ Association Conference (think I’ve just about recovered) my thoughts have turned to friendship.

I’ve made a lot of friends through the RNA. I belong to several ‘chapters’ where we meet for tea and cake and a good natter. Writing is necessarily a solitary pursuit so it’s always good to get out and talk to people who know the ins and outs of writing. It helps, too, that they’re romance writers. All too often writers of other genres are sniffy about our books, despite romance being the world’s biggest selling genre. Sometimes we meet via zoom, sometimes our talk is craft related. It’s all useful, all fun and never dull.

I said in my last blog it’s been a challenging year. I’ve been ill and early on in the year I lost a very good friend I’d met through writing. Lynn wasn’t only a writing friend, although I always appreciated her advice, she was someone I instantly connected with on many levels. It’s been hard writing without her in my life. She was my conference buddy and my ‘singing sis.’ We often entertained others with our rendition of, ‘Sisters, Sisters,’ whether they wanted to hear it or not! I miss her tremendously.

Perhaps because it’s been a tough year I’ve found writing hard. I just haven’t had the energy. When I was feeling particularly low something came through the letter box.

It was beautifully packaged and a joy to open. Inside was a card and some earrings. After I’d had a good cry, it lifted my spirits. The card is on my notice board in my study and I take great delight in wearing the heart-shaped earrings. A fantastic choice for a romance writer!

The gifts kept coming at the conference. As well as the little ‘wellness’ gift fellow writer Morton S Gray gave me a stunning scarf. It’s too warm at the moment but I can’t wait until the weather cools and I can wear it. The picture doesn’t do it justice, it’s really beautiful and so soft.

The elephant theme continued. For reasons beyond me Lily Watson always gives me a present at the conference. This time it was three cute little elephants. They make me laugh every time I look at them. Let me introduce you to Ethel, Flo and Doris.

I have such kind friends and I’d like to publicly thank Morton S Gray and Lily Watson for their thoughtfulness.
One thing this year has taught me is to cherish friendship in whatever form it takes. It’s one of life’s precious jewels.
Georgia x
Aww thank you! Enjoy your earrings and scarf
I love them! Toning colours so I plan to wear them together 🙂