Lynn’s Room with a View
I’m thrilled to welcome good friend Lynn Forth onto the blog today to talk about her writing cave. Over to you, Lynn, tell all! My first books were written on the family shared computer, so I had to fit in around other people. This led to some fraught exchanges. Now, bliss, my own computer and my […]

Millie Vanilla’s Cupcake Café is out today!
Hi everyone, Delighted to say the first novella in the Millie Vanilla series is out today. It’s only 99p so for just a few pennies you can whisk yourself off to Berecombe in Devon and enjoy a cupcake. Have a great weekend. Love, Georgia x

Well well, it’s Benedict Cumberbatch – and Jan Ellis!
We’ve got Jan Ellis here today, sharing her writing cave in the beautiful city of Wells. Benedict Cumberbatch fans sit up and take note! Hello Georgia and thank you for inviting me to tell you about my writing space. Readers of my novellas might be disappointed to learn that I don’t compose in a bijou French […]

Snuffly noses on the sofa
Fellow RNA member Jane Lovering is here today, sharing her writing cave. Looks like it’s been invaded. Another writer with dogs. I think I need to do another series of guest blogs – on the theme of me and my dog! I used to have a lovely writing cave. Well, it wasn’t so much a […]

Author Alison May – in her little purple writing cave
Today, please welcome Alison May! Welcome Alison. Tell us all about your writing cave. I write in my tiny purple writing room at the front of our house. It’s the type of room that a lot of people will have in their houses. You know the thing – the house is advertised on the estate […]