Fellow RNA member Jane Lovering is here today, sharing her writing cave. Looks like it’s been invaded. Another writer with dogs. I think I need to do another series of guest blogs – on the theme of me and my dog!
I used to have a lovely writing cave. Well, it wasn’t so much a writing cave as a bedroom, but I had a corner of it all set up, with my desk and chair, my bookcase of writing books and my pinboard for ‘interesting ideas’ – which was mainly full of pictures of Tony Robinson and reminders to pay bills, but it was there. If I wanted it. I had a window with a lovely view over my garden and…sigh. That was then.
Recently I was blackmailed…persuaded, I should say, to take a new puppy into the household. Which was fine, I already have two older dogs, one more couldn’t make much of a difference, could it? Two words. Attachment. Issues.
I have had to give up my lovely, shut-away writing cave, in favour of sitting where said puppy can see me at all times, otherwise she sits outside the door and cries. Not loudly, just enough to make me feel guilty. I tried letting her in, but she bounces on the bed and pees in corners. So now, my writing cave is a seat on the sofa downstairs, with a rolled up cushion propped in my back and my laptop on my knees. It has the advantages of being right by the open fire, and conveniently close to the kitchen for tea and biscuits, but I can’t have any of my books down here because as soon as I open one, a cat sits on it. I do still have a view – my house is right on the top of a hill in the middle of nowhere, all my windows have views, and this one is over the graveyard and some rook-filled elm trees, so it’s not that bad.
The big dog sprawls at my feet, the puppy nestles up against my elbow and the cats and other dog desport themselves over the sofas or in front of the fire – it’s all very domestic and only smells slightly of fox and wet fur. On the wall above the fireplace there’s one of those picture frames with lots of family pictures, and it’s nice to be able to see the smiling faces of my children while I’m writing, without actually having to have them here, demanding food and lifts to places, so, whilst it might not be the face of Lovely Tony, it’s still inspiring.
Now, if I can just get the puppy to stop following me to the loo…
Now, if you can get a dog to stop invading your more personal moments, I’d love to take lessons!
Jane has a Christmas-themed book out. It’s a fabulously funny, feel good story. Just what you need at this time of year! You can find out more here:
and you can find out more about Jane here:
Thanks so much for coming on, Jane. Hope the book does well and you and your pooches have a wonderful Christmas!
Close to tea and biscuits is never a bad thing 🙂