The Power of Pop Music
I’ve really enjoyed having my blog guests on this year. They’ve all been fabulous and have produced some wonderful stuff to share, with lots of luvverly pictures. Occasionally, it means I seem to spend all my time on social media but it’s good to support other writers. While preparing a Take Three Books feature, a song played […]

New Beginnings
After a dismal summer, the mornings are feeling distinctly crisp, there’s dew on the car windscreens and it’s getting dark by eight thirty. Autumn’s on its way! Fewer hours of daylight notwithstanding, it’s a season I love. I’m not a fan of very hot weather so prefer the cool sharp days and clear blue skies, and the beauty of the leaves turning. There’s always another […]

Christmas at the Little Beach Cafe
Giving a very warm welcome to Morton S. Gray who has another book out. As I’m writing this, a November drizzle is falling and the lights are on. It’s only midday! This can be such a dreary month. Just the time, then, to escape to the seaside. Tell us all about your latest Borteen novel, […]

Happy Christmas!
Huge thanks to all of you for buying, reading, reviewing and sharing. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas full of love (and good books!). Love, Georgia x

Snuffly noses on the sofa
Fellow RNA member Jane Lovering is here today, sharing her writing cave. Looks like it’s been invaded. Another writer with dogs. I think I need to do another series of guest blogs – on the theme of me and my dog! I used to have a lovely writing cave. Well, it wasn’t so much a […]

Merry Christmas!
Hi everyone, Just popping by before the madness begins. I hope whatever your Christmas entails, that it’s full of love, peace, good food and happiness – and excellent reading! Huge thanks to all of you who have taken the time to buy, read, review, blog, share, tweet and support me with coffee and […]

Author Alison May – in her little purple writing cave
Today, please welcome Alison May! Welcome Alison. Tell us all about your writing cave. I write in my tiny purple writing room at the front of our house. It’s the type of room that a lot of people will have in their houses. You know the thing – the house is advertised on the estate […]