2017: it’s been quite a year!
It’s been quite a year! Here are some of the highlights. Moving house We actually managed to sell the house in Herefordshire, despite a few last minute hiccoughs and moved into a cottage while waiting for the next house to be ready. A lack of broadband held up the second part of the move […]
Hair Infidelity
Dear readers, I’ve just committed adultery… Relax, it’s not what it sounds like. But I feel nearly as guilty. Regular readers might have noticed I’ve re-located recently. We’ve quickly settled into our temporary home. It’s cosy, in a really friendly village and, most importantly, has a pub within stumbling distance. Changing addresses on all things […]
Heading south for the winter
Well, we’ve done it. We’ve sold our beloved home in Herefordshire and headed south. The move wasn’t without incident – is it ever? It was certainly stressful and frustrating – but we’ve done it! The alcohol and chocolate intake definitely rose to critical levels. We’ve completed House Move Part 1, that is. We enjoyed the […]
To buy or not to buy
Trying to sell our house is proving to be an interesting experience. There’s the living on the edge of your nerves, waiting for the phone to ring and then having to leap into action to make the house look vaguely presentable. Having to clean the house regularly so you don’t have to leap into […]
Fold that towel, tidy that dog
Ooh, this house selling malarkey is stressful. It’s akin to organising a party but one to which only occasional people bother to turn up and who can come at any time. Without warning! I’m permanently on tenterhooks waiting for the phone to ring. Desperate to hear those magic words from the estate agent, ‘We’ve got […]
How to downsize a spaniel
‘We’re downsizing.’ Words that must spring terror into any estate agents’ mind. You know the type of house buyer I’m talking about. Middle-aged couples, childless or childfree with equity wrapped up in a large house somewhere and looking to de-clutter, downsize and re-value their remaining years. That’s us! As (she says in a hopeful whisper) […]