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The new addition

The new addition

Georgie (wasn’t being egotistical, it just suited her!) arrived in our lives in August. She’s a working cocker/springer spaniel cross, so is pretty lively. We love her but Bertie is reserving judgement!

Shed envy

Shed envy

Haven’t blogged for a while and this is why … I’m suffering from shed envy. Really bad shed envy. Let me explain. On one of my regular dog walks, I pass along a lane which has some rather nice barn conversions. One sunny autumn morning Bertie and I were wandering along when we heard the […]

What the RNA had to say …

“Fresh, lively and humorous.” So said the Romantic Novelists’ Association about Pursued by Love. That’ll do for me! For the full quote, visit the Reviews page.

The peculiar art of self-publicity

The peculiar art of self-publicity

You know the funniest thing about this writing lark is all the stuff that comes with it … I’m still having trouble acknowledging that I’m a writer. I find it very hard to say ‘I write books.’ Harder still is to take in the news that Pursued by Love has been nominated for the Romantic […]